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Not every single metal provider will be in possession of a valid ISO 9001 certification. A metal supplier may decide to opt out of ISO depending on the particulars of their company since obtaining and maintaining ISO certification takes time and resources. Here are some details on how to determine whether a metal supplier is ISO certified and why it counts.

Metal Suppliers and ISO Certification

How can you determine if your metal provider has an ISO certification? You query. It is best to mention this requirement at the time of the quote if your project or procedure calls for materials that adhere to ISO standards. Your current provider ought to be able to tell you right away if they can fulfill those demands.

Why ISO Matters

For Customers

It’s possible that your project or procedure calls for you to use only metal suppliers who adhere to ISO’s quality management standards, but that’s not always the case. ISO-compliant materials can be a sign of how seriously they take quality even if they aren’t needed. Working with an unknown seller is less risky if they have an ISO certification, for instance, if you need a material that your regular supply doesn’t carry.

For Metal Suppliers

ISO 9001 isn’t just another certification to earn, so keep that in mind. It’s also a promise to always do better. Both requirements and recommendations are included in ISO’s standards for quality control. Customers may be more interested in doing business with you if you follow ISO’s guidelines and standards.

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ISO CERTIFIED: ISO 9000 VS. ISO 9001: Around the globe, industries and procedures are governed by ISO standards. Discover the meaning of ISO certification and the distinctions between ISO 9001 and ISO 9000.

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