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Steel is commonly used in Indian houses for cooking and eating since it is inexpensive, durable, and resistant to rust. Do we truly know whether the stainless steel we use is safe for our bodies, despite its widespread use in the home?

Types of Food Grade Stainless Steel

What is stainless steel exactly? It is a rust-resistant alloy of iron, chromium, and, in some cases, nickel and other metals. The best “green” material is stainless steel because it can be recycled eternally and entirely. When an alloy has 10.5% or more chromium, it is stainless steel. In general, if an alloy has 14–18% chromium or higher, it is food-safe or “food grade.” Stainless steel containing at least 10.5% chromium is constantly protected by a passive layer of chromium oxide that forms on the surface when the chromium reacts with oxygen from the air or water.

“Food-grade” refers to any form of stainless steel (SS) that is resistant to wear and tear and able to withstand heat in a manner that makes it safe for cooking various foods. Food-grade SS typically contains higher chromium, which reduces its susceptibility to rust.

There are currently numerous types of food-grade stainless steel on the market. Determine what will work best for your family.

SS 316 – When it comes to producing food-safe stainless steel containers, SS grade 316 is typically the best option for smaller households that cook frequently. 316 SS is more resistant to salt and stronger acids, such as tomato sauce and lemon juice. It is frequently utilized for numerous purposes. It contains 18% chromium and over 10% nickel, making it highly resistant to rust.

SS 304 – The most prevalent variety of stainless steel is SS grade 304. Typical applications include factories, hospitals, and kitchen equipment. It contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel and is extremely resistant to corrosion by a wide variety of substances.

SS 430 – Because it is affordable, has a great gloss, and is more resistant to certain types of corrosion, SS grade 430 is frequently used for cooking for big parties. Because it does not rust, SS grade 430 is frequently used in industrial kitchen and catering equipment. It has 18% chromium but no nickel, making it a more affordable food-grade stainless steel.

These are some of the most commonly utilized varieties of stainless steel in commercial kitchens. Their differing compositions make them appropriate for various settings and applications. Now that we are familiar with the many types of grades, we must also be aware of a number of other aspects. For instance, the operating environment (temperatures, humidity, harsh weather, etc.) and tensile strength influence the performance of stainless steel.

The benefits of using food-grade stainless-steel cookware:

It is essential to choose the appropriate grade of stainless steel, as low-grade stainless steel prevents food from cooking uniformly.


Stainless steel is safe for cooking and does not alter the flavour or taste of food because it does not leak.


Unlike other metals, stainless steel does not corrode when exposed to acidic foods. This means that there is no chance of chemical contamination during the preparation of highly acidic foods such as tomato sauces and curry dishes.

Environment friendly

Stainless steel is environmentally friendly since it can be recycled repeatedly. It is composed of iron, chromium, nickel, and a few other metals. These metals are derived from rocks and cannot be recreated. Because stainless steel is composed of these metals, it is environmentally friendly.


The highest quality stainless steel can be utilized in the oven at the correct temperature. Stainless steel can also be cleaned in the dishwasher due to its durability. It is also easy to deal with because it is lighter than materials such as cast iron.

Durable and Robust

Stainless steel is superior to “non-stick” cookware, which can chip or discolor due to its coating. It is impervious to chipping and corrosion, thus it can persist for years or even decades.

Easy & Quick to Clean

It is simple to clean stainless steel cookware since its surface is flat and free of holes. Even though stainless steel is a durable material, abrasive sponges can occasionally create scratches. The most effective method for cleaning pots and pans is to soak them in warm detergent water before placing them in the dishwasher.

Stainless steel is a global phenomenon that is utilized in a variety of applications ranging from kitchenware to surgical instruments. Using high-quality, food-grade stainless steel in the kitchen helps ensure the safety and health of the food you and your family consume.

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